Featured Books

Angels Still Come

(Release 2024)

The Day of A.i.

(Release 2025)

Demons Are Still Here

(Release 2025)

Meet John MacDonald

Hi, I’m John—it’s good to meet you! I am first and foremost a devout Christian, and then an author, hopefully effectively combining the two, heeding the call of God and the Holy Spirit to “pen” the words that have been put into my heart. I give all credit to our Lord for the content of the books I am led to write and pray that they are to you in some way nourishment for the spirit and the soul—mixed together with some delightful and exciting moments.

I have been a fan of words and reading from an early age. At five years old, my favorite “toy” was a three-by-four-foot wooden chest that was filled with all sorts of books any young child would love. I would crawl in and start to read—one book, then another, then another…sometimes all afternoon. I remember I would finish a book and out it sailed, until I had read every one in the chest. Then, of course, there was the retrieval process—had to be ready for tomorrow!

Fast-forward—I grew up, as happens to most of us, and the toy box became a desk and the books I read and wrote became training manuals and annual reports. I was blessed, though, to be able to express myself in other ways, including having some original artwork displayed in the art museum in my hometown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and creating unique wedding and birth announcement text and designs when I lived in Sarasota, Florida.

Fast-forward again and the Lord has brought me back around to my purpose, thank You, Jesus.

“If even one person finds fellowship, or comfort, or affirmation in the words, then I have been obedient to the Lord’s calling and the writing, to me, is a success.” —- J. MacDonald

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